Talent Guides
5 Hot Tips to Help You Land Your Next Project

5 Hot Tips to Help You Land Your Next Project

Job hunting has become increasingly more complex. It now consists of endless job portals, applicant tracking systems (ATS), online numerical and problem-solving assessments and competency-based interviews. Knowing how to navigate these steps successfully, and increase your chances of landing your next role will be largely dependent on the quality and content of your Talent Passport & CV.

Here are 5 key considerations to keep in mind:

Update your Talent Passport regularly

Keep track of standout project wins, specialised developed skills and your unique experiences. Tailor these dependent on the role you’re applying for and always showcase how they’re relevant.

Showcase your personality

Clients & organisations want to know about you as an individual, as much as your experience. Rather than listing names of previous employers and citing role descriptions, outline what you’ve learnt, the value you’ve added and the impact you’ve had.

Be thorough

Take your time when updating your Talent Passport & application. You get out what you put in!

Get specific

What languages do you speak? Have you completed an MBA? Which industries have you worked in? Are you flexible with location? This is all valuable information that’ll help you stand out against other applicants, so take advantage of this opportunity.

Sell yourself

What makes you unique, but that’s also relevant to the role? Highlight your strengths, showcase your availability, keep information concise and to the point. What do you want to tell them and why?

If you’ve got any further questions, reach out to us!

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