Talent Guides
5 Things to Avoid When Submitting a Proposal

5 Things to Avoid When Submitting a Proposal

When submitting a proposal on the Talmix platform, there are plenty of resources to help you determine what information to include- from how best to sell yourself to setting your rates. However, there are also things to steer clear of when putting together that winning proposal.

1. Don’t apply to everything

Everyone has specific skills and experience that can add value to several projects, but not everything is going to be a perfect match. If your Talent Passport is complete, our data-driven matching technology will notify you of any relevant projects that align to your experience, so you have the best chance of winning the work.

2. Don’t be vague

Whilst writing a snappy and succinct proposal is important, ensure that you do not generalise your experience or simply describe your previous roles; this is what your Talent Passport is for. Instead, include specific examples that clearly align to the project brief and client requirements.

3. Don’t ignore the screening questions

The screening questions are there to ensure that specific client needs are met. They may be related to location, logistics or experience, but will always be crucial in a client’s decision. Providing generic or one-word answers will not give the client enough information to make an informed decision.

4. Don’t falsify information

Be clear and realistic in what you can deliver to the client. Making false claims or exaggerating your experience and skills will only lead to misalignment in the long term.

5. Don’t worry if something changes

You can edit or withdraw any of your live applications whenever you need to, and this will automatically be shared with the client. So, if anything changes, ensure it is reflected on the platform.

If you have any further questions about submitting proposals or anything else, reach out to us on +44 20 3176 5615 or at support@talmix.com

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