Talent Guides
Considering an Independent career? Why Talmix is right for you

Considering an Independent career? Why Talmix is right for you

If you’re at the point in your career where you’re ready to take a step towards independence, then there’s no time like the present to start building your business development plan. And if Talmix isn’t a core part of that plan, then you could be missing out.

Here are 5 reasons why joining Talmix could be the secret independent consulting weapon you’ve been waiting for.

Your springboard to new business - worldwide

The beauty of a technology platform like Talmix, is the distinctive lack of any type of boundary or wall, restricting you to a specific location or geographic area – unless specifically requested.  That means that no matter where in the world you are, you can join the Talmix platform as a consultant and have the opportunity to work with clients who are based in your city, or on the other side of the world. Each project is different, with different requirements and expectations. For some, working remotely may be perfectly acceptable, and for others, you may be required to travel.  In this new connected world, your independent career has the ability to become global.

Lateral industry and transferrable skills

If you’ve felt as if you’ve become somewhat of a one-trick pony, the challenge of moving into new industries and markets is often a stumbling block to many independent consultants. With Talmix, you have the opportunity to not only learn more about what parallel industries and markets are doing, but even have the chance to dip your own toe into something completely new.  From Retail to Tech, Production to Oil & Gas, Talmix has the opportunity to work with clients from all types of markets – giving our talent the opportunity to diversify and grow.

Your power to choose

Unlike a full-time employed position, being able to hand-pick the projects you’d like to work on is not often a luxury that everyone experiences. As a member of the Talmix independent consulting community, you can do just that.  Members of the platform receive notifications of projects which may be relevant to their own experience, and if they decide to pursue the project, opt in to send through a proposal. You choose the projects you want to propose for, you work when you want to, you balance your career and personal life at a pace that suits you.  

You focus on your strengths and expertise

You know what you’re good at. And you also know the types of things you would like to avoid. So why not focus your career development on building your strengths and expertise even more. With Talmix, you have the chance to select the projects that match your skill and expertise – giving you full advantage to work on projects that only empower and maximise your talent even more.

You are becoming the norm in the new world of work.

We’ve said it before. And others have said it before. The world of work, as we know it, is changing. Organisations are waking up to the fact that they need to view talent and skill in a different way and if they want to stay ahead, and have the opportunity to work with the best, they need to embrace a more fluid workforce. You are taking the step towards independence, and you’re joining a massive new economical force towards a new and improved way of doing things.  This means that to work with the best, you need to be where they need you – and by joining the Home of Independent Talent, we can certainly help to get you there.

If you want to know more about joining the Talmix consultant network, then speak to us today.

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