Talent Guides
Your Guide to Winning Clients

Your Guide to Winning Clients

Are you looking to give yourself the best chance of project success? Do you want to create the perfect Talent Passport? Do you feel like you’re not securing the roles you deserve?

Let Talmix guide you through the process, illustrating the most effective ways of applying to, and winning, the roles and projects that you deserve. More often than not, the difference between rejection and approval can boil down to a simple mis-step or misuse of the platform. Here, we’ll unravel some of the key mistakes consultants make when they register with Talmix, and offer insights into how to put yourself in the best position to secure the best projects, in the shortest time.

The Proof is in the Profile

Your Talent Passport is the axis point at which your successes and failures manifest. It’s the first thing a recruiter or employer will see, and the first thing they will judge. A well written, detailed, and engaging Passport goes a long way when potential clients are reviewing your fit for a project or position. Clients will view a plethora of applications too, so really think about what information will make your profile stand out from the rest.

It should go without saying then, that most of your time and attention should go towards perfecting your Talent Passport on the platform. This is your shop window, and people will walk past a window that’s dirty and unkempt.

Of course, it’s a chore to spend time on building a profile. Maybe you’ve also positioned yourself on other platforms to cast your net wide in your job search. But quantity does not equate to quality. If you care about the positions and projects you seek, and you want the best chance of procuring them, then it’s worth spending the time required to achieve this. The more effort you put in at the early stages, the faster you’ll find yourself attached to a role or project.

Similarly, if you extend your reach too far in the roles that you apply for, it will result in low-quality applications that are unlikely to stand out. Instead, determine the key criteria you’re searching for in a remote job and focus on preparing a few high-quality applications that you’re proud to submit. When you’re searching for an exciting new opportunity, it feels counterintuitive to shrink your net instead of widening it. But it’s often dedicated effort on a few priorities that wins out over divided attention on various options.

Don’t Shoot Blanks

If your Talent Passport is the lynchpin of your success, then make sure you’ve completed all sections. Include an engaging and relevant bio, provide all the requisite information about your work history and experience, tell us about your education, your qualifications, and your key skills. Short, lazy answers like “Yes”, “No”, “See Below” and “Refer to CV” will not bring success. If you can’t be bothered filling in information, the employer won’t be interested in finding it.

Include a picture. It’s only a small detail, but it adds a nice personal touch. And not a picture of your dog or your recent holiday – a picture of you! Clients want an early sense of who you are, so exposing them to a friendly and professional profile photo is an easy start, and one that requires minimal effort.

Be Relevant

Always cater your proposal towards the specific project or role you’re applying for. An employer will always notice a generic proposal, so understand the project and the client, tailor your proposal, and write personalised responses to the screening questions. Keep your work experience on your profile relevant to the project or position you’re applying for too. All other experience can be included in your CV, but the client only wants to see the experience and practical knowledge that are applicable to the role in hand. Don’t be fluffy. Make your services tangible and propose your deliverables briefly and precisely. The client wants to know exactly what you can offer and how it will help them, so don’t beat around the bush.

Don’t Be a Jack of All Trades

In today’s workforce, clients are looking for candidates with specialised skills and niche expertise, in order to remain competitive and keep up with the pace of change. Think about which of your skill sets are most in-demand, or meet the needs of the specific role or project you’re applying for. Don’t claim to be an expert in all fields; the employer will not be fooled.  Honesty really is the best policy here. You’ll not only be of more value to your client, but you’ll also get a better chance of landing the positions or projects that are right for you.

Make sure, then, that your keywords list is relevant to your expertise and services offered. You might think that adding as many keywords as possible will only serve to increase your chances of getting hired. In fact, having too many keywords will only slow down the algorithm, will hinder your capacity to stand out from the pack, and make it more difficult for us to find the jobs that are best suited to you and your skill-set.

Keep Your Talent Passport Up to Date

It’s an easy mistake to make. You put in the effort to create a great profile on the platform, and when it’s finally out of sight, it’s out of mind. Don’t rest on your laurels. Keep your experiences, your skills and your knowledge current, and leave no gaps. Update or improve your skillsets, and continue your education if you need to – the future of work is not static, so you shouldn’t be either. If you’ve done work through the Talmix platform before, mention it. Clients will want to see that they’re hiring somebody with proven pedigree, so flaunt the success of your services.

And last, but certainly not least, PROOFREAD your overview. It sounds simple, but just a simple oversight could turn a great Talent Passport into an average one. Make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes, make sure all your sections are filled in, and filled with short, concise and relevant information. Don’t cut corners, and you’ll maximise your experience of using the platform overnight.

And good luck!

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