Talent Spotlight
Commercial Talent: Dave

Commercial Talent: Dave

Dave is a commercial leader with a passion for improving performance through a structured, data-driven approach.  A pricing expert with extensive SaaS solution experience, Dave boasts a proven track record of results - with documented superior performance ratings - in various commercial roles (most notably pricing and product marketing) at companies such as Microsoft, SimCorp A/S, KMD A/S and Lyreco.

Q. When you’re at a networking event, how do you describe your independent career status, and where you focus your work?

My experience, gained from companies such as Microsoft, SimCorp and Lyreco, has largely been in the areas of pricing/licensing and B2B marketing strategy. I've run projects, programs and people in Europe, Asia, Australia, the UK and the US over the past 20+ years and work with an international mindset. So far, my consulting work has focussed on pricing/licensing strategies and the execution of same. An ancillary deliverable is using my marketing background to come with insight on messaging, positioning, channels and value propositions.

Q. What are the specific benefits that you, as an independent, offer to the operating teams/portfolio company leadership? How do you explain the value your expertise brings and the specific situations in which you should be engaged?

I come in with no preconceived notions, political agendas or other biases that may influence my work. I've worked alongside top consultancies such as McKinsey, EY, Simon Kucher and more and have taken learnings in terms of structure, process and insight generation. As an independent, I am an agile "force of one",  wholly devoted to the client and what they are trying to accomplish. I know what to do and how/when to do it.

The value my expertise brings is that it is built on over two decades of working in global matrix organizations, managing stakeholders across cultures, time zones, functions and hierarchies, and delivering tangible results. I've been involved in a lot of projects/processes/ strategies, know where the pitfalls are and will bring a fresh, outside perspective to the engagement.In terms of specific engagement situations, formulation/execution of new strategies in the area of pricing/licensing, proof of concept for an initiative/strategy, entering new markets or launching new product/service offerings (especially with IT solutions) is where I can review/optimize current efforts and shorten your payback periods/maximize ROI.

Q. Why do you think there is increasing demand for independent expertise with PE operating teams?

Agility and lean approach. Sometimes the engagements (particularly the shorter ones) don't require a team of consultants from an established firm and the subsequent expense. Often times the PE operating teams aren't looking for a major overhaul of company strategy/ process and so on, but a small element of this. This is where an independent contractor can come in and supplement an overarching initiative with specialized expertise (for example, pricing/ licensing). The PE operation teams typically want short term proof of concept, hypothesis testing or process optimizations, which independent consultants are in a better position to provide.

Q. What aspects do you enjoy about working in a PE environment?

The trust and ability to get the job done efficiently. The PE I've worked with are hands-off in the sense that almost all of my work/interaction is with the leadership of a company in their portfolio. The PE facilitates cooperation and quickly addresses any issues - am not dealing with a monolithic organization with a complex hierarchy/limited access to decison makers.

Q. Describe a recent or successful assignment in terms of scope, duration and any particular highlights in the outcomes.

I recently completed a three week assignment for a European software company that is about to undertake a license model transition (from concurrent to named users) and in parallel launch new packaging (offering a series of products as an integrated suite).The company had never done either of these things before, so I was brought in to evaluate their efforts and identify any gaps.

The approach was pretty straightforward- I reviewed a variety of documents, for example project charter, development timelines and dependencies, commercial readiness efforts, communication plans, business cases, financial projections, messaging/positioning and so on. Otherwise, I talked to people - 20+ hours of interviews with 10 top leaders to get their perspectives, ask precision/clarifying questions and get a clear understanding of where they were and where they need to be- and what they have to do to get there.

My recommendations are currently being implemented (Q2 2024); the initiatives will first be launched in Q4 2024 so it is too early to talk about results/revenues etc. Having said that, financial modelling indicates that the company is set to improve its top and bottom lines by at least 10% in 2025.

Q. What advice would you give to anyone about to embark on an independent career as to how they can provide the best results for a client, while fulfilling their own career path?

Listen before you speak- don't go into solution mode until you are clear on what the issues are (sometimes the clients' problems are actually symptoms of another root cause the client hasn't considered). Set expectations early, and have a continuous dialogue with the client - you and your findings will be much better received if you can build up a good rapport. Your career path and how you pursue it is up to you, but independent consulting forces you to rely on your own skills, develop new ones on the fly and can open up a wealth of new opportunties.

Q. What's your favourite thing to do when you're not on the clock?

Spend time with the family, otherwise staying in shape by hiking in the winter months and cycling in the summer time. Otherwise, always interested in seeing new places and experiencing different cultures.

Looking for talent to refine your pricing/licensing? Or drive a strategic transition? Engage with talent like Dave by posting a project now, or by talking to us about how to build up a pool of similar talent in the field.

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